Five things to teach your kids about Good Behaviour

5 Things To Teach Your Kids About Good Behaviour

In today's society, a well-behaved child will stand out for all the right reasons. Teachers and other parents will notice your child if they use decent table manners and says "please" and "thank you."

However, teaching excellent manners can be challenging. When his colleagues at school are not following fundamental etiquette, it can be not easy to persuade a child to do so.

Manners and etiquette in children are indicators of a well-adjusted upbringing. Teaching excellent manners to children might be difficult, but don't lose patience with your youngster. Being patient is, after all, proper manners. Children are taught by adults who are good role models. As a result, it's vital that we, as adults and parents, appropriately model manners in front of our children for them to witness and learn from. Good behavior will make your child a more enjoyable person to be around and more respectful, kind, and likely to succeed in life.

Why Children Should Be Taught, Good Manners

Children with good behavior are always academically or socially ahead of their peers. Here are a few ways that good behavior benefits children.

Boosts Self-Esteem

Children gain confidence when rewarded for having Good Behaviour and observe the positive influence of their actions in the real world. It's a terrific confidence booster to feel deserving of respect.

Social Life

In general, kids who are nasty or aggressive attract the wrong crowd, whereas kids who treat their peers and friends with kindness and respect are more popular and attract more loyal people who imitate their behavior. Relationships that are built on Good Behaviour are stronger and more positive.

Better Opportunities

According to the good behavior parents guide, Children who are well-behaved stand out from the crowd and are given more possibilities in their academic and professional lives. Polite people are more likely to be hired and advance in their careers.


People feel happy and satisfied after Good Behaviour or receiving a pleasant response, and they are more likely to repeat the behavior, forming a habit. Children who have good behavior are happier.

With These Discipline Tactics, You Can Help Your Child to Grasp Basic Manners

Praise Your Child's Good Behaviour

When you see your youngster practicing good behavior, praise him. You can appreciate the child by saying, "Great job,” “Thank you,” etc.

Praise older children to put their phones away at the dinner table or shake hands when greeting someone new.

If you have a younger child, give immediate praise. For example, "You did a great job by thanking Grandma for that present. "

Please don't make an adolescent feel self-conscious by praising him in front of others. Instead, talk privately with him about how much you admire his politeness toward guests at a family gathering or compliment him on how he handled a store clerk.

Model Polite Behaviour

Being a positive role model for your child is the best method to teach them new skills. When your child sees you treating others with respect and utilizing your manners, he will catch up on it.

Thank individuals for their kindness by writing thank you cards, respectfully asking for things, and showing gratitude. Your children are constantly observing you, whether you're in line at the grocery store or contacting your doctor's office.

Also, when you're upset, be careful how you handle circumstances. For example, do you have a habit of raising your voice when you're irritated with someone? Do you lash out at others when you believe they have mistreated you? If you don't model polite and respectful behavior, your message on the significance of employing manners won't be heard.

Role-Play Tricky Situations

Role-playing allows children to put their skills to the test. It's an excellent tactic to use when you're in a new environment or dealing with a difficult situation.

If your 5-year-old has guests at his birthday celebration, role-play how to open presents with grace. Assist him in practicing how to thank individuals for their gifts and how to react when he receives a gift.

Take a seat next to your kid and ask him, "What would you do if..." Then listen to his response. Next, pretend to be a friend or another adult to see how your child reacts to different scenarios. Then give your child comments and assist them in learning how to behave politely and adequately in various situations.

Provide a Brief Explanation

Avoid preaching or regaling your audience with long-winded stories. Instead, clarify why particular conduct may not be appreciated. "People don't want to see the food in your mouth when they're trying to eat," say if your youngster is chewing with his mouth open. You might accidentally encourage the behavior to continue if you make a big deal out of it.

However, simply stating the rationale in a calm and matter-of-fact tone might remind your child why others may not enjoy what he is doing.

Keep Your Expectations Age-Appropriate

Make sure your expectations are in line with your child's age and stage of development. Working on the basics of saying "please," "thank you," and "sorry" with a toddler is a great place to start.

When your child reaches the age of teens, you should be focused on advanced skills like phone etiquette and more complicated communication abilities.

According to the good behavior parents’ guide, it can be beneficial to concentrate on one skill at a time, such as proper table manners, before moving on to others. However, your toddler may grow overwhelmed if you offer him too much to learn all at once. It's also customary to examine past abilities from time to time to ensure that your youngster remembers how to use them.

Check out some more development skills in toddlers and how to develop them. Visit here

Swapna Seshadri

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Five things to teach your kids about Good Behaviour

5 Things To Teach Your Kids About Good Behaviour

In today's society, a well-behaved child will stand out for all the right reasons. Teachers and other parents will notice your child if they use decent table manners and says "please" and "thank you."

However, teaching excellent manners can be challenging. When his colleagues at school are not following fundamental etiquette, it can be not easy to persuade a child to do so.

Manners and etiquette in children are indicators of a well-adjusted upbringing. Teaching excellent manners to children might be difficult, but don't lose patience with your youngster. Being patient is, after all, proper manners. Children are taught by adults who are good role models. As a result, it's vital that we, as adults and parents, appropriately model manners in front of our children for them to witness and learn from. Good behavior will make your child a more enjoyable person to be around and more respectful, kind, and likely to succeed in life.

Why Children Should Be Taught, Good Manners

Children with good behavior are always academically or socially ahead of their peers. Here are a few ways that good behavior benefits children.

Boosts Self-Esteem

Children gain confidence when rewarded for having Good Behaviour and observe the positive influence of their actions in the real world. It's a terrific confidence booster to feel deserving of respect.

Social Life

In general, kids who are nasty or aggressive attract the wrong crowd, whereas kids who treat their peers and friends with kindness and respect are more popular and attract more loyal people who imitate their behavior. Relationships that are built on Good Behaviour are stronger and more positive.

Better Opportunities

According to the good behavior parents guide, Children who are well-behaved stand out from the crowd and are given more possibilities in their academic and professional lives. Polite people are more likely to be hired and advance in their careers.


People feel happy and satisfied after Good Behaviour or receiving a pleasant response, and they are more likely to repeat the behavior, forming a habit. Children who have good behavior are happier.

With These Discipline Tactics, You Can Help Your Child to Grasp Basic Manners

Praise Your Child's Good Behaviour

When you see your youngster practicing good behavior, praise him. You can appreciate the child by saying, "Great job,” “Thank you,” etc.

Praise older children to put their phones away at the dinner table or shake hands when greeting someone new.

If you have a younger child, give immediate praise. For example, "You did a great job by thanking Grandma for that present. "

Please don't make an adolescent feel self-conscious by praising him in front of others. Instead, talk privately with him about how much you admire his politeness toward guests at a family gathering or compliment him on how he handled a store clerk.

Model Polite Behaviour

Being a positive role model for your child is the best method to teach them new skills. When your child sees you treating others with respect and utilizing your manners, he will catch up on it.

Thank individuals for their kindness by writing thank you cards, respectfully asking for things, and showing gratitude. Your children are constantly observing you, whether you're in line at the grocery store or contacting your doctor's office.

Also, when you're upset, be careful how you handle circumstances. For example, do you have a habit of raising your voice when you're irritated with someone? Do you lash out at others when you believe they have mistreated you? If you don't model polite and respectful behavior, your message on the significance of employing manners won't be heard.

Role-Play Tricky Situations

Role-playing allows children to put their skills to the test. It's an excellent tactic to use when you're in a new environment or dealing with a difficult situation.

If your 5-year-old has guests at his birthday celebration, role-play how to open presents with grace. Assist him in practicing how to thank individuals for their gifts and how to react when he receives a gift.

Take a seat next to your kid and ask him, "What would you do if..." Then listen to his response. Next, pretend to be a friend or another adult to see how your child reacts to different scenarios. Then give your child comments and assist them in learning how to behave politely and adequately in various situations.

Provide a Brief Explanation

Avoid preaching or regaling your audience with long-winded stories. Instead, clarify why particular conduct may not be appreciated. "People don't want to see the food in your mouth when they're trying to eat," say if your youngster is chewing with his mouth open. You might accidentally encourage the behavior to continue if you make a big deal out of it.

However, simply stating the rationale in a calm and matter-of-fact tone might remind your child why others may not enjoy what he is doing.

Keep Your Expectations Age-Appropriate

Make sure your expectations are in line with your child's age and stage of development. Working on the basics of saying "please," "thank you," and "sorry" with a toddler is a great place to start.

When your child reaches the age of teens, you should be focused on advanced skills like phone etiquette and more complicated communication abilities.

According to the good behavior parents’ guide, it can be beneficial to concentrate on one skill at a time, such as proper table manners, before moving on to others. However, your toddler may grow overwhelmed if you offer him too much to learn all at once. It's also customary to examine past abilities from time to time to ensure that your youngster remembers how to use them.

Check out some more development skills in toddlers and how to develop them. Visit here

Swapna Seshadri

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