What are positive parenting approaches and its benefits?

What Are Positive Parenting Approaches And Its Benefits?

The way we parent our children can nurture the very skills needed for their overall development. Your parenting style gets clearly reflected in your child’s beliefs and values. While most parents strive to be the best, the way they adopt is quite confusing and frustrating at times.

What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting uses strong parenting techniques for inculcating good behavior in children. The approach is based on mutual respect and positive disciple. These are proven techniques that result in improved child’s emotional and mental growth, behavior as well as academic performance. Here’s a list of approaches that every parent should follow as a parenting guide:

Approaches of Positive Parenting

1. Encouraging personal development and self-growth:

There are many sides of a child’s personality. It might be self-confidence, courage, self-esteem, etc. It’s important to incorporate the values at every stage so as it trains them into positive individuals. It’s said, “Actions speak louder than words”; hence the best way to build a child’s confidence is through reflecting on your behavior in day-to-day activity.

The coming generation needs a competitive approach to everything. Parents should focus on their kids’ personal growth by letting them share their thoughts so that they can be interested in sharing their beliefs without any fear.

Every child should be encouraged to participate in every possible activity to communicate with full self-confidence in the future. This will also have a positive effect on their academic performance.

2. Address the child’s fear:

Fear may be one of the harmful traits that can exist in a child, which can damage inner confidence. When these fears rear up, as parents, our responsibility is to soothe and comfort the child. Parents should focus on their kids’ personal growth by letting them share their thoughts so that they can be interested in sharing their beliefs without any fear.

Teaching your child how to manage his fears will help him build the self-confidence and independence he’ll need to feel more in control and less afraid, both now and as he grows up. Always refrain from comparison as this initiates a fearful environment and, in turn, spoils your relationship with the kid.

3. Keep healthy routines:

A routine helps your child understand the balance between entertaining tasks, such as play, and practical tasks, such as brushing their teeth. When a child has a healthy daily routine, it reminds them that they are in a secure, loving environment. Keeping a healthy routine influences your mental sharpness, emotional well- being and performance.

Set times for regular activities, eating healthy, sharing things, spending quality family time, and cleaning the mess are some of the good habits that parents must teach their children.

4. Positive discipline:

Positive Discipline is imperative for mental growth. A positive disciple is a way of teaching and guiding children that helps children succeed and supports their development in a healthy manner.

As a parent, it’s vital to teach children to manage their behavior and keep them away from any harm. Teach children what is right with calm words and actions. Set a clear rule that your children can follow. Listen to your children thoroughly before giving any consequences. Children always seek their parents’ attention; ensure that’s the foremost priority.

5. Building a healthy relationship:

Building strong relationships, especially with children, is one of the challenging task every parent face. Children experience events that they build up mixed emotions for people. Communication and Commitments form an integral part of all relationships.

Strong and clear communication with kids builds their self-confidence and ensures that they make the right decision in their life. Book reading and engaging them in household chores will help them understand the value of strong relationships in life.

Do not forget to provide love and affection to children as it conveys their importance in the family. As children receive love and affection from their parents, they also learn the important aspects of expressing their love and affection to others. Parents have the greatest influence on a child's belief about themselves. Make it a habit to show your love for your child each day.

6. Being available:

Being physically and emotionally present as a parent will always save you from creating messes. To raise a confident and competent child, it’s important to pay close attention to the world of our children.

Investing time for them now will always be fruitful not only in the present times but in the future as well. This would make your bond stronger, your connection healthier, and your child happier.

7. Meeting the right needs:

When a child's needs are completely met, it gives them the potential to explore the world around them. This fuels their learning process as it gives them the confidence to try new things.

Identifying and meeting the necessities boosts their morale and encourages them. Children basically need encouragement, attention, family time, affection, and, most important, our time.

Benefits of positive parenting

Positive parenting comes with lots of benefits. It’s a journey from a hyper parent to a positive and calmer one and, in turn, making a child happier and well-behaved.

1. Strong Relationship between Child and Parent:

Positive parenting creates positive relationships between child and parent. This approach helps with behavioral development that increases trust between parents and children. Strong bonding with your kids will give them the confidence to readily come to you with their problems.

2. Mutual Respect:

Positive parenting focuses on discipline and raising the kids to become a self-reliant and responsible individual who treats others with compassion, respect, and gratitude. Mutual Respect is achieved when parents and kids make an effort to understand each other’s views. Positive parenting helps to attain this.

3. Self-Confidence:

Positive parenting raises confident kids who trust their own judgment, aren’t afraid to explore new things even if they may fail, are more effective communicators and problem solvers, and have high self-esteem. This approach boosts kids’ confidence, and parents are an integral part of this development.

4. Setting Positive Example:

Positive parenting is all about setting a good example by your own behavior. Children are influenced by their surroundings, but they are strongly influenced by their parent’s actions. They learn what they observe from their parents.

Hence a child’s behavior is determined by the deeds of others. Positive parenting makes them capable of looking at positive behavior and making healthy decisions.

So, make sure before you interact with your child, take a moment to calm yourself down and get into their zone. It's better to give yourself a time out than overreact to your child's behavior.


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What are positive parenting approaches and its benefits?

What Are Positive Parenting Approaches And Its Benefits?

The way we parent our children can nurture the very skills needed for their overall development. Your parenting style gets clearly reflected in your child’s beliefs and values. While most parents strive to be the best, the way they adopt is quite confusing and frustrating at times.

What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting uses strong parenting techniques for inculcating good behavior in children. The approach is based on mutual respect and positive disciple. These are proven techniques that result in improved child’s emotional and mental growth, behavior as well as academic performance. Here’s a list of approaches that every parent should follow as a parenting guide:

Approaches of Positive Parenting

1. Encouraging personal development and self-growth:

There are many sides of a child’s personality. It might be self-confidence, courage, self-esteem, etc. It’s important to incorporate the values at every stage so as it trains them into positive individuals. It’s said, “Actions speak louder than words”; hence the best way to build a child’s confidence is through reflecting on your behavior in day-to-day activity.

The coming generation needs a competitive approach to everything. Parents should focus on their kids’ personal growth by letting them share their thoughts so that they can be interested in sharing their beliefs without any fear.

Every child should be encouraged to participate in every possible activity to communicate with full self-confidence in the future. This will also have a positive effect on their academic performance.

2. Address the child’s fear:

Fear may be one of the harmful traits that can exist in a child, which can damage inner confidence. When these fears rear up, as parents, our responsibility is to soothe and comfort the child. Parents should focus on their kids’ personal growth by letting them share their thoughts so that they can be interested in sharing their beliefs without any fear.

Teaching your child how to manage his fears will help him build the self-confidence and independence he’ll need to feel more in control and less afraid, both now and as he grows up. Always refrain from comparison as this initiates a fearful environment and, in turn, spoils your relationship with the kid.

3. Keep healthy routines:

A routine helps your child understand the balance between entertaining tasks, such as play, and practical tasks, such as brushing their teeth. When a child has a healthy daily routine, it reminds them that they are in a secure, loving environment. Keeping a healthy routine influences your mental sharpness, emotional well- being and performance.

Set times for regular activities, eating healthy, sharing things, spending quality family time, and cleaning the mess are some of the good habits that parents must teach their children.

4. Positive discipline:

Positive Discipline is imperative for mental growth. A positive disciple is a way of teaching and guiding children that helps children succeed and supports their development in a healthy manner.

As a parent, it’s vital to teach children to manage their behavior and keep them away from any harm. Teach children what is right with calm words and actions. Set a clear rule that your children can follow. Listen to your children thoroughly before giving any consequences. Children always seek their parents’ attention; ensure that’s the foremost priority.

5. Building a healthy relationship:

Building strong relationships, especially with children, is one of the challenging task every parent face. Children experience events that they build up mixed emotions for people. Communication and Commitments form an integral part of all relationships.

Strong and clear communication with kids builds their self-confidence and ensures that they make the right decision in their life. Book reading and engaging them in household chores will help them understand the value of strong relationships in life.

Do not forget to provide love and affection to children as it conveys their importance in the family. As children receive love and affection from their parents, they also learn the important aspects of expressing their love and affection to others. Parents have the greatest influence on a child's belief about themselves. Make it a habit to show your love for your child each day.

6. Being available:

Being physically and emotionally present as a parent will always save you from creating messes. To raise a confident and competent child, it’s important to pay close attention to the world of our children.

Investing time for them now will always be fruitful not only in the present times but in the future as well. This would make your bond stronger, your connection healthier, and your child happier.

7. Meeting the right needs:

When a child's needs are completely met, it gives them the potential to explore the world around them. This fuels their learning process as it gives them the confidence to try new things.

Identifying and meeting the necessities boosts their morale and encourages them. Children basically need encouragement, attention, family time, affection, and, most important, our time.

Benefits of positive parenting

Positive parenting comes with lots of benefits. It’s a journey from a hyper parent to a positive and calmer one and, in turn, making a child happier and well-behaved.

1. Strong Relationship between Child and Parent:

Positive parenting creates positive relationships between child and parent. This approach helps with behavioral development that increases trust between parents and children. Strong bonding with your kids will give them the confidence to readily come to you with their problems.

2. Mutual Respect:

Positive parenting focuses on discipline and raising the kids to become a self-reliant and responsible individual who treats others with compassion, respect, and gratitude. Mutual Respect is achieved when parents and kids make an effort to understand each other’s views. Positive parenting helps to attain this.

3. Self-Confidence:

Positive parenting raises confident kids who trust their own judgment, aren’t afraid to explore new things even if they may fail, are more effective communicators and problem solvers, and have high self-esteem. This approach boosts kids’ confidence, and parents are an integral part of this development.

4. Setting Positive Example:

Positive parenting is all about setting a good example by your own behavior. Children are influenced by their surroundings, but they are strongly influenced by their parent’s actions. They learn what they observe from their parents.

Hence a child’s behavior is determined by the deeds of others. Positive parenting makes them capable of looking at positive behavior and making healthy decisions.

So, make sure before you interact with your child, take a moment to calm yourself down and get into their zone. It's better to give yourself a time out than overreact to your child's behavior.


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